
Although I realize it may come across as laziness, I can identify the exact moment and reason when and why my writing began an unduly long haitus.

The start of February brought three traumatic and somewhat interrelated events: Firstly, I left my job at precisely the same moment that my job left me. Because of earlier trouble at said job, I was left with virtually no savings or safety net. Strike one against mental health (among other things). Secondly, my computer broke (likely because of having to lug it back and forth from newly ex-job). Although the warranty covered the repair, I still had to shell out $100 that I didn’t have for a loaner – all the more desperately needed for job searching and resume submittal. Thirdly, upon picking up the aforementioned loaner laptop on a particularly ugly, rainy evening, I took an unfortunate tumble down some subway stairs. My pride recovered relatively quickly, my right knee did not. Remember that lack-of-job part? So, too, was I left with a lack of health insurance. Thus I spent many, many hours on my couch, with an iced and elevated knee, thinking often of the uncanny correlation between the most literal trip I took, face first, down those stairs, and the rather lofty, mostly abstract concept of traveling and motion that I was writing about in this blog.

Published in: on 23 October, 2008 at 4:06 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. I love that you’re back writing. I know I’m like the only one you show this to, but I’m glad you’re back at it.

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